Command Line Interface

DiffuPy Command Line Interface





Run a diffusion method for the provided input_scores over a given network.

param input

Path to a (miscellaneous format) data input to be processed/formatted.

param network

Path to the network as a (NetworkX) graph or as a (diffuPy.Matrix) kernel.

param output

Path (with file name) for the generated scores output file. By default ‘$OUTPUT/diffusion_scores.csv’

param method

Elected method [“raw”, “ml”, “gm”, “ber_s”, “ber_p”, “mc”, “z”] or custom method FUNCTION(network, scores, kargs). By default ‘raw’

param binarize

If logFC provided in dataset, convert logFC to binary. By default False

param threshold

Codify node labels by applying a threshold to logFC in input. By default None

param absolute_value

Codify node labels by applying threshold to | logFC | in input. By default False

param p_value

Statistical significance. By default 0.05

param format_output

Elected output format [“CSV”, “JSON”]. By default ‘CSV’

param kernel_method

Callable method for kernel computation.

diffupy diffuse [OPTIONS]


-i, --input <input>

Required Input data

-n, --network <network>

Required Path to the network graph or kernel

-o, --output <output>

Output file

-m, --method <method>

Diffusion method


z | gm | ml | ber_p | raw | mc | ber_s

-b, --binarize <binarize>

If logFC provided in dataset, convert logFC to binary (e.g., up-regulated entities to 1, down-regulated to -1). For scoring methods that accept quantitative values (i.e., raw & z), node labels can also be codified with LogFC (in this case, set binarize==False).

-t, --threshold <threshold>

Codify node labels by applying a threshold to logFC in input.

-a, --absolute_value <absolute_value>

Codify node labels by applying threshold to | logFC | in input. If absolute_value is set to False,node labels will be signed.

-p, --p_value <p_value>

Statistical significance (p-value).



-f, --format_output <format_output>

Choose CSV or JSON output scores file format.




Generate a kernel for a given network.

param network

Path to the network as a (NetworkX) graph to be transformed to kernel.

param output

Path (with file name) for the generated scores output file. By default ‘$OUTPUT/diffusion_scores.csv’

param log

Logging profiling option.

diffupy kernel [OPTIONS]


-g, --graph <graph>

Required Input network

-o, --output <output>

Output path to store the generated kernel pickle



-l, --log

Activate debug mode